Friday, October 26, 2007

Lost Poster

Lost Poster, originally uploaded by StantonHolmes.

I've seen a poster where a person is looking for their lost pet or an
important thing but never until yesterday had I seen a poster for
someone who has lost themself.

I came across this on my bikeride home from work yesterday. It can be
seen at the corner of Ocean & Redondo.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My favorite

My favorite, originally uploaded by StantonHolmes.

This is just a test actialluy to see if this is where I need to put
text. Jack & Coke is my beverage of choice. :)

Welcome to mission control!

Welcome to mission control!, originally uploaded by StantonHolmes.

Your friendly neighborhood designer,
Sam Eames.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Fairplay, the Douche, get's owned.

Remember the guy from survivor who told everyone his grandmother was dead for sympathy? Well... he sure did get owned by Danny Bonadouche the other night at the Reality Awards. If I had some annoying guy humping my chest, I'd do the same thing.